High photoimmunoprotection in an exclusive oil-free, non-comedogenic “dry touch” gel that facilitates application and is quickly absorbed by the skin. It has the widest coverage against UVB, UVA, IV-A and Visible thanks to its advanced combination of physical and chemical filters and specific active ingredients.
Contains Fernblock® +, for an intense antioxidant activity and repairing sun damage. Matifying and seboregulating action. Particularly recommended for normal to oily skin and suitable for hot and humid climates.
Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid sun exposure during the hottest hours (12-16h). In case of prolonged exposure, apply sunscreen even on cloudy or foggy days.
Fernblock® +; Green Tea Extract; Physical and chemical UV filters (λ> 370 nm), Vitamins C and E, fractionated biomimetic melanin (Visible Light) and OTZ (IV-A).