
Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

What are cookies and what are they for?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the device through which you access a website, more specifically, through the browser used for this purpose, and that collect information regarding your navigation on this website.

The main function of cookies is to facilitate and personalize your browsing experience, but not being the only reason for their use, they will also serve other purposes, namely, to assist us in preventing fraud, optimizing our services, and identifying your preferences so that we can present you with advertisements and offers tailored to your interests.


What information is collected through cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies collect:

  • Traffic and location information, such as your IP address (Internet Protocol Address), location captured through a Global Positioning System (or GPS system), the WI-FI access points and mobile network antennas covered by your device.
  • Access and session information, i.e., the number generated to identify you as a logged-in user on a particular website (Session ID), the date of log-in and the most searched words.
  • Device information, detecting, for example, the operating system and browser used, the date and duration of the visit to the website, and the identification of other websites visited.
  • Information regarding user behavior, such as the number of clicks made and the most visited pages.

Types of Cookies:

There are session cookies (of temporary duration) and persistent cookies (of long duration).

The former is used only while you browse a website and are then deleted, allowing you to continue browsing the website without having to log in again, even if you change pages.

The second ones are stored on your device, even after you have finished browsing the site, and aim to allow you to return to that site without changing the settings you initially set.

Cookies can also be categorized according to the various purposes associated with them, regardless of whether they are own cookies (cookies installed by the website you are visiting) or third-party cookies (cookies installed by websites other than the one you are browsing).


We may have:

  • Necessary Cookies: They are strictly necessary for the regular functioning of the website and aim to ensure operability, optimization and security issues and are, as a rule, persistent cookies.

  • Preference Cookies: They store user preference settings, such as language, so that you do not have to configure them more than once. They identify the user through a unique identification number (ID), associated with the login time, allowing you to browse the website or other web pages open in the browser without having to log in constantly.

  • They count the number of visits to the site, by collecting the users' IP, thus enabling statistical studies on the quality of the service provided on this site. By their nature, these cookies may be temporary, although they tend to be persistent.

  • Analytical/Statistical Cookies: They allow to quantify the number of users of a website and analyze their behavior, to define strategies to improve the service provided.

  • Advertising/Marketing Cookies: This type of cookies aims to collect information about the use made of the website (e.g., clicks made and most viewed ads), allowing to identify user preferences. They are mostly persistent cookies.

How can I manage my cookies?

Cookies help you get the most out of websites, however, all browsers allow you to accept, refuse or delete cookies, by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser.

After authorizing the use of cookies, you can always disable some or all our cookies. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

Edge - http://windows.microsoft.com/pt-PT/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

Mozilla Firefox - http://support.mozilla.org/pt-PT/kb/Activar%20e%20Desactivar%20cookies?redirectlocale=en- US&redirectslug=Enabling+and+disabling+cookiesMozilla Firefox

Google Chrome - http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=pt&answer=95647&topic=14666&ctx=topic

Safari Web e IOS - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=pt_PT


NOTE: We remind you that by disabling cookies, parts of our website may not function properly.